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Mobile Total Solution provider: (주)익스트러스는 모바일사업과 보안 솔루션사업 그리고 R&D 아웃소싱사업을 하는 
글로벌 지향 IT기업입니다


Extrus was established in October, 2009.
Based on our know-how and years of experiences as mobile total security provider, we pursue reliable Ubiquitous business environment. Also we research, develop, and provide smart security systems for domestic businesses in order to achieve our goal.

“Trust by customer, trust between employees, and trust for shareholders” Literally “Extreme trust” is core value of company. Based on infinity challenges and creativity, we try very hard to dedicate enhancement of society and technology.

Not only have we worked on enterprise security infrastructure integration, enterprise critical data security and information leak prevention, organization, integration of information management, and integrated authentication, but also we will try our best for customer

needs and maximize the value of the security by providing them with ourbest security products.
All of our staff at Extrus will be awaken all the time to make our customers satisfied.
Thank you for your interest and support.

CEO Kyungsu Jung

익스트러스는 신뢰중시의 경영철학 IT융복합 보안과 국정원 인증보안기술의 노하우 그리고 유비쿼터스 보안으로 고객요구와 환경에 대한 이해, 이 3요소로 토탈보안 솔루션을 제공합니다.
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