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  • EXAFE Web-i

    • EXAFE Web-iis designed to comply with verification for electric transactions. Also it ensures safety of the web page though flawless verification system.

      - Prevent the web from forgery by malicious code and toolbars
      - Monitor the web forgery status
      - Authentication information management and real-time verification

      1. Web Injection Prevention

      blocking external attacks

      - Prevent from Toolbars, malware and forgery through transmitted data on the Web.
      - Check the status of your pages forgery

      2. Administrator

      Monitoring and audit

      - Web Page forgery monitoring
      - Validation failure status monitoring
      - Audit log server module


      Minimization of cost

      - AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), Layer supported
      - Support forgery judgment for JavaScript, image, and Flash files (if located at the same path)
      - Future E2E encryption support (to apply more flexible configuration E2E in the code)
      - Open Web (SSL) environment supported
      - Maintain the existing code while supporting the real-time verification of server

      4. Verification management

      Authentication information management and real-time verification

      - Verification for hash / information of digital signature verification is created
      - Match the verification information for verification validation
      - Verify real-time data matching on client and server transaction screen
      - Support Dynamic HTML source verification such as AJAX
      - Verify and send transactions for queries such as single screen tradingto the server
      - Verify and create JavaScript authentication information